The Alaya Community
Ishvara, on the Space that is Alaya:
"I’ve read about and heard about different communities, and the problems they have had. I have taken these things to heart, and in a soul-searching way, have looked for some kind of connection that could happen with individuals, something that would allow them to transcend the individual differences, the conditional mind thinking, the separative thinking. I’ve always realized the difficulty humans face with making changes, how the brain is programmed to remain in a certain existence. So the idea was to bring into existence a Space that would be conducive to a greater connection, a greater harmony, a Space that would inspire and support change and transformation.
"Over the last several years I’ve realized ingredients that could become part of the Space. I’ve realized that, in order for the Space to be maintained, there must be an absolute dedication to it. So I knew I could not do this half-way. I knew that I could not run the bookstore and create a Space around that, because such an arrangement would be divided. I saw that the Space had to become the central focus and centerpiece of my life, and then I would have to inspire other individuals to be able to realize that as the centerpiece of their life. Then we would have the same centerpiece. That’s essentially what it takes: it takes that kind of commitment and realization and surrender to something that could possibly become far greater than any individual.
"So in the creation of Alaya, this community, the Space, the outreach, and all the things that we are doing and will be doing – all of this comes in this one package of possibilities. I realize there must be a constant injection of the vision, the possibility, a constant calling up and reminding of what it is about. It is easy to become bogged down in the details. It is easy to become distracted by the things that don’t work. It is therefore very important to constantly refocus on those things that do work. This is not denying the things that don’t work; it is simply a matter of not giving any energy to those things that don’t work.
"I saw that in establishing a Space where individuals would gather, it would be a Space in which they could actually live, that is, living on the edge, on the front line. Over the years, I realized that no matter how often we gather together, when individuals would go back into their own environment, they would lose much of the awareness that was gained in the Space. So there was a need to create an ongoing Space in which individuals could reside, and perhaps not lose the awareness. Now, I’ve realized all along that this may be too intense for some people. At the same time, I realized that for others it would be the most perfect thing to happen. And then there are also people who fall in between.
"It is still evolving and becoming. I’ve seen that it takes certain kinds of individuals who can be in the Space and make the best use of it. The Space can be very activating, even very confusing at times for people.
"I’ve realized that the Space has formed around me, and I am the central point in that. This physical expression of The Consciousness is very inspiring, and even instigating. It is instigating transformation in others. There is no denying that when one comes into this Space there is a definite feeling of a different energy. People have commented about the clear feeling here. I realize that these people are feeling me, because this is the state of my being. That is the way I am, the way I am being all the time. The Space is a vortex of energy that is expanding. As I accelerate, the Space accelerates. As I transform, the Space transforms. We are one and the same. People who come into the Space become this as well. A definite connection occurs on many levels of being. And each connection becomes exponential – it creates even more energy in the Space. The energy is not mine, it is not yours. The energy is the presence of The Consciousness. There is no attachment or resistance to this. There is simply allowing.
"The Space is a space of allowing. It encourages and inspires transformation to take place. So just as the physical body through acceleration becomes capable of housing more of The Consciousness, the residents in this community become capable of housing more of The Consciousness. I can see, as we progress, that the Space can become even more intense, more focused, to the point where one can start to feel it right away as one is driving up the road to Alaya House. One can start experiencing physical transformation immediately.
"I can see that, as the Space accelerates, the transformation can become more rapid, more easy for individuals who enter the Space. The more the group around me accelerates and moves into their realization of Life, the more there is an exponential energy created in the Space. So it is not a one-person event. It is a synergy. I feel that it has tremendous possibilities to change the whole of humanity.
"Throughout history, there have been individuals who have literally changed the face of humanity. Individuals! So it is possible for the Space, Alaya, to become this beacon for The Consciousness, pointing the way, showing possibilities of what the human can actually become. The community is constantly supporting this becoming, as I support every one of you to continually become more of what you are. It takes this clarity, this insight, this awareness, to see what is possible. Not just to imagine what is possible, but to see what’s possible. To see that each unique expression of The Consciousness is a housing of The Consciousness, which has a certain ability, a certain functionality that is a gift of service to The Consciousness itself. An important part of the Space is the ability to see this in individuals, to see this possibility."
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